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A comprehensive list of decentralized exchanges (DEX) of cryptocurrencies, tokens, derivatives and futures, and their protocols.

Many thanks to all the contributors, especially to @amisolution for all their contributions.

Awesome PRs Welcome

Exchange URL REPO DOCS DEX GRADE Status Protocol Reference Asset DLT ORG  
{Set} alt text alt text alt text   (dev) {Set} protocol 2 ERC20 Tokens - Set Tokens Ethereum    
0x alt text alt text alt text   (live) 0x protocol 2 ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
0x Portal alt text       (operating) 0x protocol          
0xchange alt text alt text alt text   (operating) 0x protocol          
Aermos alt text   alt text FULLY (dev) TBC          
AirSwap alt text alt text alt text   (operating) swap protocol          
Altcoin Exchange alt text alt text     (dev) raiden protocol          
ALTTEX alt text alt text alt text   (dev) 0x protocol          
Amadeus Relay alt text alt text     (dev) 0x protocol          
Angel 0x alt text       (dev) 0x protocol          
Aphelion alt text alt text alt text   (dev - launch Q1 2018) deal protocol          
Aqueduct alt text alt text alt text   (released) aqueduct protocol 2        
Arbidex alt text alt text alt text   (dev - launch Q4 2018) TBC          
ATLANT DEX alt text alt text alt text   (Token Launch) atlant protocol          
atomicDEX   alt text     (dev) TBC          
ATUM alt text       (dev) cross-chain (NEM)          
B&C Exchange alt text alt text alt text   (operating) bcexchange protocol          
b0x alt text alt text alt text   (dev - TGE expected Q2 2018) b0x protocol (margin lending/trading and oracle marketplace)          
Bamboo Relay alt text       (operating) 0x protocol   ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
Bancor alt text alt text alt text   (live) bancor protocol   ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
BarterDEX alt text alt text alt text FULLY (operating) barterdex protocol          
Beldex alt text   alt text   (dev) TBC 3        
Bibox DEX alt text alt text     (announced) TBC 12        
Binance DEX   alt text     (announced) TBC          
Binkd alt text alt text alt text   (dev) 0x protocol 3        
Bisq alt text alt text alt text FULLY (operating) Bisq protocol 6        
BitPoint alt text alt text     (operating) 0x protocol 6        
Bitox Exchange alt text alt text   FULLY (dev) 0x protocol          
BitShares alt text alt text alt text   (live) bitshares protocol (DPOS)   Bitshares, Bitshares SmartCoins Bitshares    
Blackhalo alt text alt text alt text FULLY (operating - beta) TBC  alt text   alt text DS DSTT (dev) cross-chain protocol 3        
BLOCK DX alt text alt text alt text FULLY (operating - beta) blocknet protocol + 0x protocol          
Blockport alt text alt text     (dev) blockport protocol 3        
BlockTrades alt text       (operating) counterparty protocol          
Braveno alt text alt text alt text DSTT (operating) TBC 3        
BTSABC alt text       (operating) bitshares protocol (DPOS)          
Bytabit alt text     ACL DCD DC DOM (dev) bytabit protocol 6        
Catalyst alt text alt text alt text   (dev - alpha) enigma protocol          
CDX alt text alt text alt text   (proposed) enigma protocol   TBC Ethereum - Youdex Sidechain    
Coinchangex alt text       (operating) TBC          
Coinffeine alt text alt text     (dev) coinffeine protocol          
COMIT alt text   alt text   (whitepaper) comit protocol (cross-chain routing) 2        
Cosmos Network alt text alt text alt text   (whitepaper) interledger protocol          
Counterparty DEX alt text alt text     (operating) counterparty protocol   Bitcoin - Counterparty Tokens Bitcoin    
CoX   alt text     (dev) cox protocol          
Crypto Bridge alt text       (operating) bitshares protocol (DPOS)          
CryptoDerivatives alt text alt text     (operating) on-chain     Ethereum    
Cybex alt text       (operating) bitshares protocol (Graphene)          
DC-Ex alt text       (operating) TBC          
DDEX alt text       (operating) 0x protocol          
DEAL     alt text   (dev) deal protocol 2 NEO Assets NEO    
Decred alt text alt text alt text   (operating) decred cross-chain atomic swapping protocol          
Deex alt text       (dev) bitshares protocol (Graphene)          
DECENT EX alt text       (operating - beta) 0x protocol     Ethereum    
Decentral Exchange alt text alt text     (dead) TBC          
DecentralizedEXchange   alt text     (dev) TBC          
DECENTREX alt text       (will be shutdown on 30 December 2017) on-chain protocol          
Dether alt text alt text alt text   (dev) TBC 6        
Deviant DEX alt text alt text     (announced) TBC          
DEX   alt text     (dev) 0x protocol          
Dexdex alt text     FULLY (dev) 0x protocol          
Dexex alt text alt text     (dev) 0x protocol          
DEXON dex alt text alt text alt text   (dev) TBC     DEXON Dexon Foundation  
dex-simple   alt text     (prototype) TBC          
Dexternal alt text       (dev) TBC     Ethereum alt text alt text alt text   (dev) replayed-on-chain protocol          
Dextroid alt text       (operating - beta) 0x protocol          
DEXY alt text alt text   DOB (dev) decentralized exchange protocol          
Dexy   alt text     (dev) TBC          
DEW alt text       (dev) TBC 4 ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
Dharma alt text alt text alt text   (dev) TBC 2 ERC20 Tokens - Dharma Debt Token Ethereum    
Digitex Futures alt text alt text alt text   (dev) digitex protocol 9        
Distributed Exchage   alt text alt text   (dead) TBC          
DSE   alt text   FULLY (dev) TBC 11        
DTE alt text alt text   FULLY (prototype) TBC          
DTX   alt text     (dev) TBC          
DUBIex alt text alt text     (operating) TBC          
DutchX   alt text     (dev) dutch auction principle protocol          
dYdX alt text   alt text   (dev) dYdX protocol 5 ERC20 Tokens - Dydx Derivatives (Option - Short Sell) Ethereum    
EasyTrade alt text     FULLY (operating) 0x protocol          
Eidoo alt text alt text alt text DCD (operating) multi protocol 3        
Enclaves alt text alt text     (operating) 0x protocol     Ethereum    
Enigma alt text alt text alt text   (proposed) enigma protocol 2 All All    
EOSfinex alt text       (dev) eos protocol     EOS    
ERC dEX alt text       (operating) 0x protocol          
Ethen Market alt text alt text   FULLY (operating) 0x protocol     Ethereum    
ETHERC alt text alt text alt text FULLY (operating) on-chain protocol          
EtherDelta alt text alt text   FULLY (operating) on-chain protocol Ethereum        
EtherEx alt text alt text     (operating) TBC          
EtherFlyer alt text       (operating) TBC          
EtherMium alt text       (operating) TBC   ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
EtheRoox alt text alt text     (dev) TBC          
Ether Wager alt text       (operating) oraclize protocol          
Ethex alt text alt text     (beta) TBC          
Ethfinex alt text       (private beta) multi protocol 4        
Ethos alt text   alt text DCD DS (dev) multi protocol (0x - atomic swap) 6        
EthRoox alt text       (operating with issues) TBC          
everbloom alt text       (dev) multi-protocol     Ethereum    
ExchangeN alt text       (operating with issues) TBC          
Exchange Union alt text alt text alt text DS DOB DD OPRO (dev) exchange union protocol   All All    
Expread alt text   alt text   (dev) payment channels protocol          
FairX alt text alt text alt text   (dev) stellar consensus protocol 6        
faast alt text alt text   FULLY (dev) 0x protocol 14        
Fetch Trading alt text       (dev) 0x protocol          
Flipper0x alt text       (dev) 0x protocol          
Forkdelta alt text alt text     (operating) on-chain protocol          
Freedom Dex alt text       (operating) TBC          
Freedom Ledger alt text       (dev) bitshares protocol (DPOS)          
Fusion alt text alt text alt text   (dev) fusion protocol 2        
GDEX alt text       (operating) bitshares protocol (DPOS)          
Genotik alt text alt text alt text   (dev) TBC          
Gimmer alt text alt text alt text   (dev) TBC          
gnodex   alt text     (dev) off-chain protocol          
gnosis-exchange   alt text     (dev) TBC          
Graphene alt text       (operating) bitshares protocol (Graphene) 2        
Heat alt text       (operating) asset-to-asset protocol          
Herdius alt text alt text alt text   (dev) cross-chain protocol          
Huobi DEX         (announced) TBC     Huobi Chain    
Hydra alt text       (dev - whitepaper) hydra protocol 2        
HyperDEX alt text       (dev - private testing phase) barterdex protocol          
Hodl Hodl alt text     DCD DSTT (operating)   3        
Hodl⚡️co alt text       (dev) TBC 6        
IDEX alt text       (operating) snowglobe protocol          
IDT Exchange alt text       (operating) 0x protocol          
Inbest Network alt text       (ICO) inbest protocol 4        
Infinity alt text alt text alt text   (dev) spectre protocol          
INSTEX alt text       (operating) 0x protocol     Ethereum    
Interstellar alt text     FULLY (operating) stellar protocol     Stellar    
Javvy alt text alt text alt text   (dev) TBC          
JOYSO alt text       (ICO) hex protocol 3        
Komodo alt text alt text alt text   (dev) komodo protocol 2 N/A Komodo    
KyberNetwork alt text alt text     (live) kyber protocol   ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
KyberSwap alt text alt text     (live) kyber protocol   ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
LAtoken alt text       (operating) spectre protocol (DAG)          
LedgerDex alt text alt text     (operating - beta) 0x protocol          
Legolas Exchange alt text       (dev - ICO Q1 2018) legolas protocol 3        
Lendroid alt text alt text alt text   (dev) lendroid protocol   ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
Leverj alt text alt text alt text   (dev) leverj protocol 5        
LinkerCoin alt text alt text alt text   (dev) linker protocol          
LocalCoinSwap alt text alt text alt text   (dev) lcs protocol          
Loopring alt text   alt text   (dev - launch Q2 2018) loopring protocol 2        
LQDEX alt text   alt text   (dev) cross-chain protocol          
Lykke alt text alt text alt text   (operating) TBC 4        
Mandarin alt text       (dead) TBC          
MARKET Protocol alt text alt text alt text   (dev) MARKET Protocol   Derivatives Ethereum    
Melon alt text alt text alt text   (operating) melonport protocol 2 ERC20 Tokens - Melon Fund Shares Ethereum    
Melon DEX   alt text     (dev - prototype) melonport protocol          
Mercatox alt text       (dev) TBC 4        
Mercury alt text alt text     (dev) TBC          
MinexDEX alt text alt text     (announced) atomic swap          
Mobidex alt text       (dev - private alpha) 0x protocol          
Mothership alt text       (dev) TBC          
MoonDEX alt text alt text     (dev) TBC          
MyEtherSwap alt text       (operating) TBC          
NEX alt text       (dev - launch Q3 2018) off-chain protocol          
NextExchange alt text alt text alt text   (dev) 0x          
NVO alt text       (dev - launch Q1 2018) nvo protocol          
Nxt alt text       (operating) TBC 5        
Oasis DEX alt text alt text alt text FULLY (operating - alpha) on-chain protocol          
Oasis Direct alt text alt text alt text FULLY (operating) on-chain protocol          
Omega One alt text       (ICO) TBC          
OmiseGO alt text       (dev) omisego protocol 2 All All    
Omni DEX alt text       (operating) TBC          
OneChain DEX alt text alt text alt text   (dev) TBC     EOS    
openANX alt text       (dev) openanx protocol          
Open Collectors Network alt text alt text alt text   (dev - prototype) TBC 8        
OpenLedger DEX alt text       (operating) bitshares protocol (DPOS)          
Open Relay alt text     FULLY RELAY (dev - private alpha) 0x protocol          
Open Trading Network alt text alt text alt text   (dev) otn protocol          
Orderbook alt text alt text alt text   (released) ethereum protocol          
Paradex alt text alt text     (operating - beta) 0x protocol          
Paradigm alt text alt text alt text FULLY (dev) paradigm protocol          
Plaak alt text alt text alt text DCD (dev) TBC          
PlutusDEX alt text       (operating) TBC          
Prime alt text alt text     (dev - pre-alpha) TBC          
Prism alt text       (dev - invite-only beta) TBC          
QTUM DEX         (announced) qtum protocol          
QUANTA alt text   alt text FULLY (dev) TBC          
Radar Relay alt text alt text   ACL DCD (operating - beta) 0x protocol          
Radex alt text alt text     (operating - alpha) saturn protocol          
Raiden alt text alt text alt text   (dev) raiden protocol 2 ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
Raidex alt text       (dev) raiden protocol          
Rektex alt text alt text     (operating) on-chain protocol          
Relayer Network alt text       (dev) 0x protocol (modular trade networks)          
Republic Protocol alt text alt text alt text   (released) republic protocol 2        
RigoBlock alt text       (operating with issues) rigoblock protocol          
Ripple alt text alt text alt text   (released) ripple protocol 2 XRP - Ripple Issued Currencies Ripple    
Rippex alt text     DC (operating) ripple protocol 7        
River Exchange   alt text   FULLY (dev) TBC          
RSK alt text alt text alt text   (dev) rsk protocol 2        
RuDEX alt text       (operating - beta) bitshares protocol (Graphene)          
SAFEX   alt text     (released) safex protocol 2        
Saturn alt text alt text alt text   (released) saturn protocol 2 ERC20 Tokens - ERC223 Tokens Ethereum    
SDEX alt text       (dev) stellar consensus protocol          
Settle alt text alt text     (dev) settle protocol 2        
Shark Relay alt text   alt text FULLY RELAY (operating - beta) 0x protocol          
SimpleDEX alt text       (dev) 0x protocol   ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
SingularX alt text       (operating) TBC          
Smart-Exchange     alt text   (dev - whitepaper) icap protocol          
Snowglobe alt text       (dev) snowglobe protocol 2 ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
STAR BITEX alt text alt text   FULLY RELAY (dev) 0x protocol          
Stellar alt text alt text alt text   (live) stellar consensus protocol 2 Stellar Assets Stellar    
Stellarport alt text       (operating) stellar consensus protocol          
Stellarswap alt text alt text     (operating) stellar consensus protocol          
Stellar Term alt text       (operating) stellar consensus protocol          
STeX alt text alt text alt text   (dev) a2a protocol 3 5 9        
Streamity alt text alt text alt text   (dev) TBC 3        
Stronghold alt text       (operating) stellar consensus protocol          
Swap alt text alt text alt text OPRO (dev) swap protocol 2 ERC20 Tokens Ethereum    
Switcheo alt text alt text     (operating) neo protocol          
Tettix alt text alt text alt text FULLY (dead) tettix mechanism protocol          
The 0cean alt text       (private beta) 0x protocol          
The World Exchange alt text alt text     (operating) ripple protocol          
Tokena alt text       (dev) TBC     EOS    
Token Changer alt text   alt text   (dev) multi protocol          
Token Jar alt text     FULLY (operating - kovan test) 0x protocol          
Tokenlon alt text alt text   FULLY (operating) 0x protocol & Kyber.Network protocol          
Tokens alt text       (dev) dynamic trading rights protocol          
Token Store alt text       (operating) TBC  alt text   alt text   (dev) raiden protocol          
TrueBit alt text alt text alt text   (dev) truebit protocol 2 alt text       (announced) xevan protocol          
UberDelta alt text alt text   FULLY (operating) TBC  alt text       (operating) on-chain protocol          
ValueCash alt text   alt text   (dev) proof of trade protocol 4        
VariabL alt text       (open alpha) variabl protocol 5        
Velcron alt text       (dev) state-channel protocol          
VenDEX   alt text alt text   (dead) TBC          
Volentix alt text alt text     (dev) EOS     EOS Volentix Labs  
Wanchain alt text alt text alt text   (dev) wanchain protocol (cross-chain) 2        
WandX alt text alt text alt text   (dev) wandx protocol 1 ERC20 Tokens - ERC20 Token Baskets Ethereum    
Waves alt text       (operating) waves protocol (Matcher)          
weiDex alt text   alt text FULLY (dev) TBC          
Wyvern alt text alt text alt text   (operating - alpha) wyvern protocol 1 non-fungible Ethereum assets Ethereum    
WixExchange alt text alt text alt text DD DG (dev) TBC          
xChainge alt text       (operating) counterparty protocol          
XPA Exchange alt text       (operating - beta) TBC          
YouDEX alt text alt text alt text   (dev) CDX protocol          
YouStock alt text alt text alt text DS (dev) atomic swap protocol 11        
zDEX alt text alt text     (announced) zerocoin protocol 10        
Zero Exchange alt text       (operating with issues) 0x protocol          
Zeus alt text   alt text   (dev) nem protocol 3        
ZigZag alt text alt text alt text   (dev) lightning network protocol ⚡️        
Zip Exchange alt text       (dev) 0x protocol          


N/A: Not applicable

TBA: To be analyzed.

TBO: To be obtained.

TBC: To be confirmed.

1: Is an exchange and a protocol.

2: Is not an exchange, just a protocol.

3: Hybrid centralized/decentralized exchange.

4: Hybrid centralized/decentralized exchange, full decentralisation in the roadmap.

5: Decentralized derivatives exchange.

6: Decentralized cash-crypto exchange.


8: Decentralized non-fungible tokens exchange.

9: Decentralized futures exchange.

10: Decentralized exchange like a feature of wallet client.

11: Decentralized stocks exchange.

12: Centralized exchange, full decentralization adoption announced.

⚡️: Lightning Network exchange.

14: Instant Exchange


It is a complex task, since it not only requires a very specific technical definition, but also requires an exhaustive analysis of each of the exchanges that we include. We are working on it. But all help is welcome. The goal is to get a model like the Creative Commons badges

This is just a draft written by Hanni Abu, Steven Hatzakis, Manfred Karrer and Elio Osés:

If you know in details or are you the owner/dev of any DEX, please fill the column with all the codes that correspond creating an issue or pull request to suggest changes to this file.


About this list:

inDEX in the news:




While the maintainer(s) of this repo do their best to keep this list free of any software that could be considered harmful to users, inclusion on this list does not constitute an endorsement by the author(s) or maintainer(s) of this repo. Do your own due diligence before downloading and installing any software to ensure you can trust it and understand the implications of its use.

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Protocols for Decentralized Exchange

List of protocols for peer-to-peer exchange of cryptographic assets without a central entity:

Decentralized Marketplaces:

Decentralized Marketplaces, a list of decentralized marketplaces and decentralized marketplace protocols.

Platforms for Smart Contracts:

List of awesome platforms for smart contracts